

任職資格學歷:市場行銷、電商、廣告、資訊科技等專業 經驗要求:之前具備廣告代理商(乙方)、貿易行業、品牌電商相關經驗為佳。 知識要求:ppt簡報製作、基礎資料分析能力、專案管理知識 能力要求:細心、執行力強。具備自我時間管理意識,具備專案管理的思維以及能力 其他要求:具有客戶服務意識。職位要求1.負責聯繫客戶以及進行報價提案事宜2.進行合約擬定以及協助行政進行客戶收款3.跨境專案的時程管理並與執行團隊溝通協調4.配合市場部門進行行銷活動(沙龍以及座談會舉辦)5.廣告業務報價以及製作6.其他主管吩咐事項待遇【薪資】月薪3萬以上,可面議【獎金】 ■ 勞、健保及退休金提撥  ■ 人才推薦獎金 ■ 專案獎金 ■ 年終獎金 【休假】 ■ 休假給予最大彈性 ■ 依勞基法給予特休 ■ 女性同仁生理假 (1 天/月) ■ 全薪病假 (3 天/年) ■ 志工服務假 (2 天/年) ■ 陪產假 ■ 婚假 【工作環境/文化】 ■ 落實行動辦公室自主管理,在家上班也可以 ■ 開放式討論,大膽將意見說出來聯繫人楊詞涵 hr@zikudata.com請將履歷寄至此信箱

Social Media Manager(Amerigo Education)

POSITION SPECIFICATION                                                                                              Position:                Social Media Manager                         Company:                Amerigo EducationLocation:                 Shanghai, China ABOUT USAmerigo Education is a U.S.-based education company that helps international students in the United States achieve their full potential. As a growing number of students from around the world seek to advance their education in American high schools, Amerigo is setting a new standard in educating international students by combining the established practices of nurturing, supportive environments from traditional American boarding schools with innovative approaches to language development and college guidance.   Backed by the Sterling Partners Education Opportunity Fund, Amerigo forms strategic partnerships with private day schools in the United States to provide a seamless academic experience for our students. Through the Amerigo model, we collaborate with our partner schools as they provide the core preparatory high-school curriculum while our team on-the-ground delivers a suite of academic, language, and cultural immersion programs in a well-staffed residential environment based in our local boarding campus. Amerigo seeks partners that our aligned in our mission to energize American educational communities through the diversity of students from around the world. job Overview This role forms an integral part of the Amerigo Marketing team and will be based in the Shanghai office of Amerigo Education.  We are looking to recruit someone with an ardent desire to work for an agile, fast growing, startup organization. Our Social Media Manager for China will be the key driver for all things social in China includes: building smart and creative campaigns, managing the content calendar, and creating and overseeing day-to-day content production and posting. This position will reports to VP of Global Marketing KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Social and Digital Media §  Manage the official Amerigo accounts on WeChat and Weibo §  Maintain the corporate website to ensure all contents are up to current in sync with US site§  Develop strong social content and social programs that expand our audience (both B2B and B2C) by leveraging the KOL and other social platforms§  Reach and engage business partners and their partners §  Monitor the Amerigo presence and customer voice among different social media platforms and provide response in a timely manner§  Provide customer insight reports through social listening on a regular basis§  Manage the day-to-day operation and communication with agency on social content creation Marketing Support and Sales Enablement§  Support the VP of Global Marketing to fulfil the local market development needs by working closely with Regional Director and Global Enrolment Team §  Assist with the development and execution of student facing marketing materials for Amerigo and each Amerigo Partner school including websites, blogs, press releases, newsletters, sales enablement tools, testimonials, videos, branded gear and other necessary assets.§  Coordinate projects with outside vendors, obtain price quotes, set timelines, manage production and coordinate delivery.§  Assist with the creation and execution of email campaigns, manage analytics and analyze findings. Other§  Support other business functions with marketing communications and social media materials as needed§  Special assignment for new initiatives instructed by VP of Global Marketing  KEY QUALIFICATIONSEssential: §  Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, e-Marketing, Journalism or other closely related field§  At least 2 years of work experience in a similar role§  Fluency in both Mandarin Chinese and English§  Clear communicator with excellent speaking, writing and listening skills§  Demonstrated ability as a team player§  Experience drafting content and copy for multiple channels§  Experience writing and implementing social media and web postings§  Experience with web analytics tools (e.g., Baidu Analytics)§  Comfortable in a lean and face-paced environment§  Ability to prioritize, multitask, and adapt with strong organizational skills and an attention to detail§  Must possess W.I.T. – willingness to do “whatever it takes”! Desirable: §  Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Acrobat)§  International work experience in education or language service§  International study experienceProficiency in speaking, reading and writing in another languageContact Stephen  stephen.yu@amerigoeducation.com 


【公司簡介】百歐歡成立於2004年,是集有機農業、創新農業、產業規劃、生態小鎮打造、國際性峰會組織和執行、綠色行銷、生態旅遊、環保教育為一體的綜合型農業發展企業,更是備受國內與國際高度推薦之有機農業的先行企業。公司旗下擁有歐食多(Ostore)、百歐歡(BIOFarm)、安播食芽(Ambrosia)三個品牌。公司研發和孵化中心位於上海浦東新區川沙新鎮 現代農業園區,占地500畝。目前公司擁有廣東茂名、海南三亞、雲南昆明、寧夏銀川、內蒙烏蘭察布、四川成都、甘肅酒泉擁有多個有機生產、種子生產、綜合性有機生態基地。 公司目前是國內連鎖五星級酒店、高檔中西式餐廳、上海高端超市、電商以及麥德龍有機蔬菜、芽苗菜、食用花卉、特殊品種的供應商。同時擁有多年固定配送的高端宅配客戶。 財務助理<需求人數> 2人<條件要求>學歷要求:大學/大專(含)以上工作經歷:不拘科系要求:會計學相關、一般商業學類、資訊管理相關語文能力:不拘,有英文語言能力者(含聽說寫)尤佳,會第二外語者加分擅長工具:Windows基礎操作、Office電腦文書處理系列專業技能:不拘其他條件:不拘有意者請聯繫:biofarmxiao@163.com或直接投履歷至info@biofarm.com.cn <主營項目>一、有機農業系統基地建設與運營二、創新科技農業開發系統建設與運營三、有機生態片區打造,田園綜合體實踐【主要商品/服務項目】多樣性、精品有機蔬菜產品商品化體系的拓展垂直型的生產模式,品相從一般蔬菜向精細化擴展, 建立從種子-芽菜-苗菜-微型蔬菜-食用花卉-果蔬到種子種植的全價值鏈。【經營理念】有機,其實只是一種種植的手段,更重要的是其背後的影響力。多年以來,百歐歡致力於推廣有機種植的宣傳與教育。上海各大中小學校將百歐歡視為培養孩子們有機農業傳播和教育的實踐基地。我們熱衷於招待來自五湖四海的孩子們,教導他們有機種植的方法以及重要性,並希望通過教育影響我們的下一代認識到選擇和支援有機和可持續種植農業的必要性。百歐歡多年來致力於以有機的手段來維持生態環境的平衡,永續迴圈的概念讓土地達到最大的利用價值,對於生態環境的保護讓農場能夠擁有豐富的生物多樣性,如同百歐歡的英文BIOFarm,打造一個生態農場是我們最初也是最終的理想與目標,實際走來百歐歡農場,你將找回當時的初心,與農民直接的對話,並意識到百歐歡生產的宗旨就是為了我們的下一代創造出一片可持續種植與發展的土地。公司對外社群媒體官方網站:http://t.cn/aoTtOoFacebook:http://t.cn/REd51bS微博:http://t.cn/REd51ba微信:ID搜尋"BIOFarm 百欧欢有机生态农场"

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